Maps Altimeter

displays your altitude
in Google Maps

How to use Maps Altimeter

How to display your altitude in Google Maps?

It's easy! Just start Maps Altimeter, push your home or back button on your phone, start Google Maps and watch it happen. The app will become visible every time Google Maps is active.

You might want to show your current altitude in other apps too. Maps Altimeter allows you to do so: in the home screen, go to 'Applications' and just tick every app you want Maps Altimeter to show up.

If Maps Altimeter overlaps something you need, simply tap the altimeter and it will hide for 10 seconds. Or you can drag the altimeter to another position on your device's screen!

To change your preferences, like units of measurement in mph or km/u, just start Maps Altimeter. Every option is in the home screen. If you do not want the units of measurement to show up, you can choose to hide it. And you can even adjust Maps Altimeter's transparency.

To stop using Maps Altimeter, uncheck the 'Enable overlay' option in the home screen.

View and download the app at Google Play.
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  • No internet access needed
  • Shows and hides automatically
  • Temporary-hide function
  • Can also be used with other apps